Writing Polished, Emotion-Free Emails in High-Stress Situations

Oct 3, 2024
AI ToolsLegal Tech

In the fast-paced world of legal work, communication is key. Every email you send can have significant consequences—whether it's to a client, a judge, or opposing counsel. The tone of these messages matters just as much as their content, and often, emotions play an unintended role in how we communicate.

We've all heard the age-old advice: when angry or upset, write a letter and then sleep on it. Review it with a cooler head the next day to decide if you still feel the same way or if adjustments should be made. While this is solid advice, the pace of legal work often doesn't allow for such luxuries. Tight deadlines, high stakes, and intense emotions don't always give lawyers the time to step back and reassess their messages before sending them.

But what if there was a way to fast-forward the process of calming down and refining your tone? That's where AI comes in—specifically, legal AI assistants. These tools offer a modern solution for ensuring your emails remain professional, effective, and free from unintentional emotional bias.

The Risks of Emotionally Charged Legal Emails

In legal communications, the stakes are high. A well-written email can help resolve disputes, clarify complex issues, or offer reassurances to anxious clients. Conversely, an emotionally charged email can do just the opposite—it can inflame tensions, confuse the matter at hand, and even damage your reputation.

When emotions get involved in communications—particularly negative emotions like frustration, anger, or stress—things can go awry. For example:

  • Client emails: A frustrated client may provoke an emotional response. While it might feel good to respond in kind, this rarely results in positive outcomes. Clients expect their legal counsel to be the voice of reason, not someone who mirrors their anxiety or frustration.
  • Opposing counsel: In the midst of high-stakes litigation or negotiations, it's easy to let emotions creep into your language. Snarky, aggressive, or dismissive tones can escalate disputes rather than resolve them, making it harder to reach favorable outcomes.
  • Judicial communications: Judges expect professionalism at all times. An email that reads as too emotional or informal could reflect poorly on your credibility and harm your case.

The consequences of sending emotionally driven emails extend beyond hurt feelings or a temporary misunderstanding. They can damage relationships, tarnish your professional image, and potentially weaken your legal position.

How a Legal AI Assistant Works

Legal AI assistants, like David AI by 2nd Chair, provide a straightforward and effective way to remove the emotional edge from your emails. These tools work by analyzing the language and tone of your message and offering suggestions to neutralize any emotionally charged or overly subjective phrasing.

Here's how it typically works:

  • Draft your email: Start by writing your email as you normally would. Don't worry too much about tone at this stage; focus on getting the key information across.
  • Paste it into the AI assistant: Once your draft is ready, copy and paste it into the AI assistant. This tool will scan your email for tone, clarity, and emotional language.
  • Review AI suggestions: The AI will suggest changes that make the tone more neutral, professional, and aligned with the standards of legal communication.
  • Finalize your email: After reviewing and accepting the AI's changes, you'll have a polished, emotion-free draft ready to send.

The goal of a legal AI assistant isn't just to make your emails sound robotic. It's to help you strike the right balance between clarity and professionalism without letting emotions get in the way. The result? Emails that are focused, concise, and more effective at achieving your legal objectives.

Real-World Application of AI-Edited Emails

Let's look at a practical example of how a legal AI assistant can improve email communications.

Scenario: Dispute with Opposing Counsel

You've been working on a contentious case, and opposing counsel has just sent a particularly aggravating email filled with accusatory language. In your frustration, you quickly draft a response that's equally sharp, eager to defend your position.

Here's what the original email might look like:

Your Original Email:

"I can't believe you would even suggest such a ridiculous settlement offer. This is clearly an attempt to undermine the entire negotiation process, and frankly, I expected better from a seasoned attorney like yourself. We won't be entertaining any more of these insulting proposals."

Now, let's see how a legal AI assistant could help refine this message into something more neutral and professional:

AI-Edited Email:

"I acknowledge your latest settlement proposal; however, we believe it does not adequately address the key concerns of our client. We look forward to discussing alternative solutions that better align with the goals of both parties."

The revised email maintains a firm position but removes the inflammatory language that could provoke an unproductive back-and-forth. It keeps the tone professional, which is essential in maintaining a constructive dialogue with opposing counsel.

Best Practices for Using a Legal AI Assistant for Emails

To get the most out of your legal AI assistant, follow these best practices:

  • Draft with clarity in mind: When writing your initial draft, focus on delivering clear facts and the key points you want to convey. Don't worry too much about the tone or emotional nuances at this stage—let the AI assistant refine those aspects.
  • Review AI suggestions carefully: While AI can make valuable edits to improve your tone and professionalism, it's still essential to review the changes. Ensure the suggestions align with your intent and legal strategy. Remember, AI is a tool designed to assist—not replace—your legal expertise.
  • Choose your tone: Most AI platforms recognize a predefined set of tones you can use in your writing, and you can suggest the best fit based on the situation. For legal communications, you might choose Formal and Authoritative when addressing a judge or drafting legal advice, or Direct and Succinct for quick updates or instructions. When communicating with clients, you may opt for Conversational and Friendly to keep the tone approachable, or Detailed and Explanatory for more complex matters. The great thing about these tools is that they understand natural language, so you can give simple directions like "Make this more formal" or "Adjust this to a friendlier tone," and the AI will adapt accordingly with minimal effort.
  • Ensure consistency with firm standards: Make sure the tone settings you choose align with your firm's communication style and standards. This helps maintain consistency across your correspondence, reinforcing your professional image.

A Modern Solution for Stress-Free Legal Communications

In the high-stress world of legal work, maintaining a professional and neutral tone in your communications is critical. A legal AI assistant offers a fast, effective way to remove unnecessary emotion from your emails, helping you communicate more effectively with clients, opposing counsel, and judges. By embracing this technology, you can not only enhance the quality of your emails but also improve your overall legal practice.

If you're ready to take your legal communications to the next level and ensure every email reflects the professionalism and clarity your work demands, give David AI by 2nd Chair a try. Refine your writing, eliminate emotional bias, and communicate with confidence. Get started today and see how David AI can help you create more polished, effective emails—try it for free now!